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  • Web Design
  • Web Marketing
  • Logo Design & Branding
  • Graphic Design
  • Social Media
  • Supporting Services
FREE Website Assessment

Portfolio: Harritt Group, Inc.

Why They Called Makespace

The Harritt Group, like most of our clients, needed to look as good as they are. And they needed a website that was as dynamic as their business.


Brand Standards

We crafted the look-and-feel of the brand, providing a full color palette and typography that we used to create the website and identity collateral.

Web Design

old website design
Old (This is what we were handed)
new website design
New (This is what we handed back)

Bragging Rights

We replaced a dated and barely usable website with a modern and user-friendly resource, making the Harritt Group worthy of their place at the top.

Website Design

Our goal was to design and develop a website that can keep up with the frenetic, event based pace of the company. Our powerful, custom Content Management System lets them do just that, giving them the ability to create a dedicated page for each event, complete with a photo gallery of auction items, event detail and more.

Findable. Very.

Google Maps Integration

Because their events can be located practically anywhere, we integrated Google's map API into their CMS, allowing their clients and auction attendees to easily locate the next auction.

Mobile Friendly

Mobile Friendly Website Design

Another website built prior to the responsive web design age, the site was built to be compatible on mobile devices, allowing their auction attendees to find the event location through seamless integration with their smartphone GPS.

the buzz is BIG
As Tom Petty said, “Waiting is the hardest part,” but it’s worth it! So stay tuned, because our new website launch is just around the corner!