I need
  • Web Design
  • Web Marketing
  • Logo Design & Branding
  • Graphic Design
  • Social Media
  • Supporting Services
FREE Website Assessment

Site Info

All information on this website is property of Makespace! ©2024.

All material on this website, including text, images, markup, CSS, programming, title tag content, meta element tag content, and design is ©2024 to Makespace! and may not be reproduced elsewhere in any way without explicit written permission.

Design, Images, and Artwork Cannot Be Reproduced Under Any Circumstances.

This website design and unique combination of images, colors, sizes, typography, positioning, CSS, HTML and other markup and web development is copyrighted and cannot be reproduced or used anywhere else, whether in part or in whole. No exceptions.

Website Design and Development

This web design and all associated website development and search engine optimization was completed by OOHology LLC, a Louisville, Kentucky; Indianapolis, Indiana; Cincinnati, Ohio; and Chicago, Illinois digital marketing, web design, web development, and branding company. Any inquiries about the design of this website design should be directed to: hello@oohology.com.

You can visit the Louisville web design agency online at OOHology.com. OOHology LLC reserves the right to use this design in any web design portfolio on OOHology.com.

the buzz is BIG
As Tom Petty said, “Waiting is the hardest part,” but it’s worth it! So stay tuned, because our new website launch is just around the corner!