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Portfolio: Belle of Louisveille

Why They Called Makespace

With their 100 year anniversary approaching, the Belle of Louisville's board knew they'd be in the world's spotlight, so they wanted to look world-class. We made 'em look world-class.

Site Style Guide

Site Style Guide

We made the Belle of Louisville brand "web ready" by creating a full color palette and usage manual, complete with font usage and a nostalgic meets modern visual style.

Web Design

Website Design

Website Design: An old-time aesthetic meets a modern, feature rich website. We took the Belle of Louisville into the 21st century with a beautiful, powerful web presence powered by a custom Content Management System (CMS). Now she's also the Belle of the Web.

Custom Illustrated Carousel

This illustration is pure eye candy, representing the longevity of the Belle as she moves not only down the Ohio River but through time. Wait for it, wait for it...

Interactive Timeline

It was a real no-brainer for us to create a timeline featuring the Belle's most valuable attribute: it's nearly 100 year history. Take a trip through history and experience the Belle's most impactful events, one click at a time, without leaving your couch.

Interactive Calendar

We made it easy and crazy convenient to plan your event on the Belle or the Spirit of Jefferson, from an evening tour to a full corporate outing.

Online Ticket Purchasing:

Not only can you plan your visit, you can purchase tickets. We integrated the website interface with a third party ticketing system. This addition of this feature greatly increased ticket sales. Duh.

Mobile Friendly

Mobile Friendly Website Design

Mobile Friendly Design: Designed and developed prior to Responsive Design capabilities, the website still works great on mobile devices. When they are ready, we can take the Belle website fully responsive.

the buzz is BIG
As Tom Petty said, “Waiting is the hardest part,” but it’s worth it! So stay tuned, because our new website launch is just around the corner!